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The 事工研究神学硕士 will provide you with a comprehensive range of biblical-theological knowledge and practical 技能 necessary for ministry leadership in a variety of contexts. 通过个性化课程, 该课程为学生在当地教会有效地传道做准备, 与准教会组织或传教机构合作.


  • 分析 并综合基本内容, 旧约和新约的背景和主题, 强调神的历史救赎使命, as revealed through Scripture’s metanarrative and exemplified in the Great Commission
  • 实践 对圣经原文进行正确的注释和阐释, with an emphasis on how passages speak to contemporary issues in individual and corporate contexts
  • 参与 contemporary global challenges to orthodox belief and practice based on support from key biblical passages that undergird foundational doctrines, applying insights from the history of global Christianity to 21st century issues, 需求与挑战
  • 分析 文化和世界观从圣经的角度作为有效的基础, biblically-contextualized ministry that equips and encourages others to grow as disciples and disciple-makers in the church, 传教地和/或市场
  • 应用 圣经的原则, 领导实践的技巧和范例, 牧师, 说教, 教学与辅导
  • 演示 proficiency in ministry and organizational knowledge, 技能 and attitudes gained through M.Div. studies in a focused internship under the supervision of an on-site mentor and a faculty advisor


CIU’s Columbia Biblical 神学院 offers an evangelical context for your education and practical hands-on learning with professors from a wide array of evangelical denominations. The faculty are skilled teachers and scholars who make it a priority to support and encourage their students.


你准备好把你对事工的热情带到下一个层次了吗? The 事工研究神学硕士 at Columbia Inter国家 University is tailored to equip you for a diverse range of ministry roles, 无论是在当地教会还是在教会组织中. 通过参加这个项目, you will embark on a trans格式ive journey that will empower you to make a significant impact in the lives of others. 


在整个学习过程中, our well-trained faculty will guide you in developing the essential knowledge and 技能 needed for effective ministry. 从教牧关怀到讲道, 辅导的领导力, you will gain a holistic understanding of ministry and cultivate the competencies necessary to serve with excellence. 


我们认识到每个学生都有独特的事工兴趣和愿望. That's why our program offers a wide range of elective courses and specialized tracks, allowing you to tailor your studies to align with your specific area of ministry or interest. 你是否对青年事工充满热情, 任务, 门徒训练或其他事工的重点, 我们将为您提供资源和指导,以培养您的呼召. 


澳门新葡京网站,我们优先考虑你的学习经验. Our faculty members are not only highly knowledgeable but also deeply invested in your growth and success. 通过互动式课堂讨论, 实践任务和指导机会, 你将参与到超越理论的有意义的学习中, 准备你在现实世界的事工环境中应用你的知识. 


If you have already started a master's program at another institution and decide to complete your M.Div. at Columbia Inter国家 University, we offer the flexibility to transfer relevant course credits. This allows you to build upon your previous academic achievements and streamline your path toward earning your M.Div. 学位. 

通过追求M.Div. 在CIU部门研究, you will join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about serving God and making a difference in the world. 你是否设想自己带领一个会众, 从事跨文化事工或寻求其他事工机会, 我们的课程将使你具备这些知识, 在你的呼召中茁壮成长所必需的技能和属灵培育. Get ready to embark on a trans格式ive journey that will shape your ministry and impact lives for the glory of God. 



除了 神学硕士 你将学习以下课程:

  • INT 6110实习基础

    本课程旨在作为其他INT课程的先决条件. You will prepare for an internship by establishing a clear plan for learning and understanding the expectations, 责任, 以及与实习经历相关的活动. 你必须在开始实习之前完成这门课程. 在注册本课程之前,您不需要确保实习.

  • INT 6217重点实习

    在本课程中, 你将提高你在事工和组织知识方面的熟练程度, 技能, and attitudes gained through your studies in a focused internship under the supervision of an on-site mentor and a faculty advisor. 每门课程包括至少120小时的直接事工经验. (1.5)

  • INT 6218重点实习II

    在本课程中, 你将提高你在事工和组织知识方面的熟练程度, 技能, and attitudes gained through your studies in a focused internship under the supervision of an on-site mentor and a faculty advisor. 每门课程包括至少120小时的直接事工经验. (1.5)

  • min6536管理要点基督教事工

    在本课程中, you will learn the organizational and management principles needed to serve in the local church and para-church ministries. By the end of the course you will have created 项目/events and administrative documents that accomplish the mission and vision of the ministry in which you serve.

  • LDR 6011冲突管理与谈判

    学生将发展与原则相关的技能, 流程, and techniques of conflict management and negotiation and will be equipped with the innovative negotiation strategies needed to excel at the bargaining table and develop effective conflict resolution strategies. 学生还将学习圣经原则来解决冲突.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the Academic 目录.


  • 完成应用程序
  • 确认你是基督徒并同意CIU的观点 信仰声明
  • 已完成学士学位的正式成绩单 * +
  • 任何研究生水平课程的正式成绩单 +
  • 短文(约800字)
  • 教会领袖推荐信
  • * 如果你没有完成本科学士学位, 你仍然可以根据CIU申请入学 Non-Baccalaureate政策.
  • + 如果你曾在美国以外的学校就读, 你的成绩单必须经过验证 世界教育服务.


  • submitted test scores for one of the following standardized tests for the English language:
  • 完整的教育背景表格(在提交申请后提供)
  • 资金证明表格(提交申请后提供)


SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)


  • 牧养当地的教会  
  • 牧师助理的担任助理牧师或副牧师的 
  • 带领一个准教会或校园事工团队 
  • 领导外展或门徒训练团队 
  • 带领市场事工团队 
  • 门徒部主任 
  • 下一代(或家庭)牧师 
  • 非营利组织的行政人员 
  • 行政领导 
  • 教牧同工 
  • 小组长  
  • 教的牧师 
  • 教堂的种植园主 

澳门新葡京网站的M.Div. 在部研究是完全可用的,无论是住宿或网上. 所有必修课程都以两种格式提供.

作为住宿学生, 你将受益于与教授和其他学生的密切互动, 建立可以支持你一生事工的人际关系. 课程是围绕块时间表设计的, which gives you flexibility if you are working or serving in ministry while taking courses. 如果住校学生愿意,他们可以选择在线学习课程.

作为一名在线学生, you will benefit from courses that foster your learning within the context of an intentional learning community. 我们认识到,不是每个人都能背井离乡到神学院去. 因此,我们所有的课程都是异步的. This allows you to continue working and serving where you are located while taking courses. 同时, you will be provided with opportunities to have regular live online meetings with your professors and classmates, 如果你愿意.

这个项目也提供在 能力本位的神学教育 格式, which delivers a formal theological education in a context that is specific to the students ministry under the guidance of experienced pastor mentors.


住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式, 每个日历年有两个学期(秋季和春季). 因此, 住宿学生可以在大约三年的时间内完成这个课程(全日制), 每学期修读三门课程)或五年内修读(兼职), 每学期选修两门课程).

在线课程的教学周期为八周, 每个日历年有六个学期(春季), 春季2, 夏天1, 夏天2, 下降1, 2)下降. 在线学生可以在大约两年的时间内完成这个课程(全日制), 每个在线学期选修两门课程)或大约四年(兼职), 每个在线学期上一门课).


能力本位神学教育(CBTE) 学生可以选择住宿, 在线和CBTE课程, may enroll six times per year and complete the program in as little at 28 个月.


住宿课程遵循16周的学期形式 and have two starts every year. 春季学期从一月开始,秋季学期从八月开始, 每学期之间都有一个暑假.

在线课程的学期为8周,每年开课6次. 每八周是一个新的开始, 这意味着每年春季有两个在线学期, 夏天和秋天.

能力本位神学教育(CBTE) 学生遵循为期八周的学期形式,每年有六次开始. 每八周是一个新的开始, 这意味着每年春季有两个在线学期, 夏天和秋天.


CIU的神学硕士课程经济实惠. 访问 学费和杂费 详细费用. 能力本位神学教育(CBTE) 学生有不同的尺度. 检查 CBTE 网页查询详情.


是的, 在你注册第一门课程的时候, 您将收到一份专业级别的圣经软件, 为你在哥伦比亚圣经神学院的学习定制的. 毕业后你可以留着它.




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